Is Distracted Driving The New Drunk Driving?

80% of all car accidents involve one thing. It is not alcohol or drugs, in fact it is something you probably do every day. What is this dangerous activity? Distracted driving.  Distracted driving is more than just texting behind the wheel, it is anything that keeps your eyes, or your mind, off the road. Eating, changing the radio station, and even daydreaming can be the reason you don't see a road hazard until its too late. The next time you're driving, make sure you keep your hands and eyes in the right place.

The Irish at the Oscars

The people of Ireland have always had an affinity with the Academy Awards (or the ‘Oscars’ as they are more commonly known). This year alone, Irish actors and films could potentially win a grand total of 6 golden statues – not a bad haul for such a small country!

What a lot of people don’t realize though, is that the connection between the Oscars and the nation of Ireland runs much deeper than simply having a disproportionate amount of success. The iconic golden statuettes themselves were in fact designed by an Irish person; Cedric Gibbons, a man who won no less than 11 Academy Awards for his set design work (putting him in second place to Walt Disney in terms of total number of Oscar trophies won).

Other uniquely Irish Oscar facts are that Irishman George Bernard Shaw is the only person to win both an Oscar and a Nobel Prize and actor Barry Fitzgerald is the only person ever to be nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role and Best Supporting actor… for the same film! (Going My Way)

These amazing facts, and much more, can be seen in the “Irish at the Oscars” infographic.

Can I Lie on My Resume?

What should you remember when you are writing your resume?

First of all it is resume format. And of course you have to remember about information you included into your resume!

What do we mean? You have to include only correct information in your resume and for sure, don't lie. But sometimes it is OK if you just skip some options.

So if you have a question: ""Can I Lie on My Resume?"", check our infographic, where you will find tips what to include to your resume and what can you skip. We also included some statistics that will help you when you are writing your resume.

Beauty Essentials to Keep in Your Purse

Never leave your place without the most luxurious beauty essentials that can ensure that you will always look your best wherever you go. Stock up on the best beauty buys including niche perfumes, skincare and makeup products to ensure that you will always be at your most beautiful.

Mobile App Development

Smartphones and tablets have become an identity for the current generation. And with it, comes a host of apps for everything from creating a to-do list to checking the latest football scores. As apps compete with each other and vie for the user’s attention, there’s been an increased need for an app revolution. Here are some of the major app development trends we can expect to see in 2016.

Multitasking in a technology driven society

It's inevitable to not encounter a roadway wreck or injury each and every week. As many of us travel to and from work, school, and leisurely activities, the chance that we encounter a motorist who has been involved in an accident or roadway disruption.

What can our society do to reduce the number of accidents on the roadways? There are many things that can be completed, such as educating ourselves on when we should put distractions aside from what we should be focusing on. In a multi-tasking society, it's hard for some of us to put aside our phones or devices and concentrate on the task ahead of us.

Additionally, we can educate others on how dangerous the behavior can be. The seriousness and number of crashes in states such as Texas can be seen here. It's no wonder we see crashes on a daily or weekly basis- our society has such a difficult time focusing on one task at a time.

There are devices and apps that have been introduced that will help us to contain our focus on the roadways, such as bluetooth devices and applications that block us from texting while driving. Additionally, there are devices that are built into newer cars that allow users to speak to text, or talk on their phones while driving. Even these capabilities can pose a threat and hinder our ability to maintain focus on our task ahead- driving.

Sharing stories of roadway dangers you have encountered is also a great start. Though some stories may be more difficult to share than others, its important that we spread the messaging of these dangerous activities so that we can reduce the risk of others while on the roadways.

College Paper Editing Checklist

If you still don't know how to edit your college papers, check our great infographic. We included most useful tips and important rules, that will help you to make your paper perfect.
Even you have really complicated topic, you can use this guideline to edit your college paper.

Smoothie Your Moods and Needs

Tired of traditional meals? Smoothies are all the rave today because they are delicious, nutritious and can be prepared very quickly, which is a major plus in today’s fast-paced society. The following infographic explains why certain smoothies are excellent for certain life situations and provides detailed recipes for an easy smoothie meal fix. For example, if you want to whip up a perfect smoothie for the brain, it’s a good idea to use raspberries and blueberries that are a good source of antioxidants, and chia seeds which help build neurons. For weight loss, green tea and cinnamon go a long way because green tea boosts metabolism and cinnamon lowers the level of sugar in blood. Read along and learn how to easily cure depression, get your child to eat healthy ingredients (along with what he or she loves), become better focused at work, detox after a nasty hangover, and more!

Full Term Paper Editing Checklist

Are you getting troubles with writing and editing your term papers?

Don't worry. We have prepared great infographic for you with full checklist. It will help you to prepare your term paper in a correct way.

Before you will start to write your term paper, it will be good if you'll check the most common mistakes, people do in writing term papers. Also, you must remember about things to leave out and what to keep in your mind.

Follow these points and you will get your perfect term paper!

The Mobile Ecosystem

This is an infographic designed by Adaptive Mobile - internet security experts. The aim is to illustrate the various security threats that the mobile ecosystem faces both now and in the future.

The rapid advancement of technology has resulted in a world where mobile is the major way that friends, colleagues and businesses communicate on a day to day basis. It is a powerful tool, but the fast pace with which it has become ubiquitous has left the majority of users poorly educated as to the security risks and the proper precautions to take.

In the meantime, cyber criminals are quick to spot opportunities and security holes in order to exploit users. These threats vary from the repurposing of older styles of attached previously seen in fixed networks to new types of mobile specific attacks.

Mobile communications are vulnerable to attack and there are a host of new considerations that users need to keep in mind in order to keep their data secure. Over time Adaptive mobile predict that these security threats will continue to evolve in complexity and scope.

10 Ways Beer Makes You Healthier

Craft beer lovers can probably tell you the difference between lager and ale, what food to pair with your Stout, and even the process in which your favorite beer is brewed, but many a beer fan may not be familiar with the health benefits beer has to offer.  We've compiled a list of 10 ways beer makes you healthier, so next time you drink your favorite craft beer, you can feel good about doing something for your health.  In moderation of course!
Infographic Source:

A Lifetime of Hearing

Hearing loss in the UK is on the rise. The result of the loss is often isolation, depression, or worse. According to the hearing health charity Action on Hearing Loss, it takes most people at least a decade to seek help. Studies have indicated that at least 5.7 million adults – over 10 per cent of the UK population – have some level of hearing loss

To better educate the public about the importance of their hearing and its change over a lifetime, Age UK Hearing Aids has produced an infographic on the topic. Easy to read through and visually appealing, we believe this presentation is a great way to help people understand how important it is to be proactive about dealing hearing loss.

UK Hearing Care works in partnership with The Age UK Group to create Age UK Hearing Aids. They provide a completely holistic hearing service, making sure they are as accessible as possible, giving information and advice about hearing that consumers can trust. The hearing aid selection service is run by people who are genuinely compassionate about the health and wellbeing of those they assist.

Infographic Source: