Submit Your Infographic For Free by Following These Specific Guidelines!

Visulattic is always looking out for amazing visual data or Infographics. We value quality Infographics, so we accept infographics from different domain and industries.

Here are our guidelines:
  • Title: Include your brand or Infographic names, say no to keywords.
  • Summary: Make sure you write a fresh summary describing your topic or infographic with a minimum of a 150-word count.
  • Source Link: Please submit your exact source link where your infographic is located in your website or blog.
Note: We don't accept infographics that contain pornography, nudity, racially motivated contents or any other offensive materials.

 If you are a Graphic Designer or an Agency, willing to publish you work like sketch, logo or any other work of art. Don't worry, we will publish your work and portfolio. Please mail your work giving details and descriptions at

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