For many students, the hardest part about going to graduate school is deciding what career to pursue. While prior experience plays a part, individuals may envision themselves in a variety of careers, and often, job experience may have nothing to do with those aspirations. The other possible deciding factors in choosing a major often include: personal passions, job security, salary and possible career tracks.
To help potential graduate students decide,, the authority graduate school directory on the web, pulled 2016-2026 career outlook data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and created an infographic of the five fastest growing careers that require a graduate degree. These careers are: Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Statisticians, Mathematicians and Genetic Counselors.
While deciding to earn a master’s degree is an often much thought over decision, hopes this infographic can help students and educators show, in a simply put way, which careers have the most growth over the next 8 years.
Infographic Source:
To help potential graduate students decide,, the authority graduate school directory on the web, pulled 2016-2026 career outlook data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and created an infographic of the five fastest growing careers that require a graduate degree. These careers are: Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Statisticians, Mathematicians and Genetic Counselors.
While deciding to earn a master’s degree is an often much thought over decision, hopes this infographic can help students and educators show, in a simply put way, which careers have the most growth over the next 8 years.
Infographic Source: