Top 20 Amazing Facts about Android

Android is a mobile OS which was originally developed by Android Inc. in 2004 by a 8 members team lead by the founder Andy Rubin. 14 years ago when Samsung rejected Andy Rubin's offer to support Android nobody thought there is a big game changer is coming in the smartphone OS market. After the rejection from Samsung Google came forward to purchase the Android paying $50 million for the OS and that was the most important purchase for Google they ever made for business.

Today Android Controls about 88% of largest smartphone market whereas iOS accounts for 11% and rest of the shares go to other operating systems.

Many people did not know how Android was made, it is exactly developed based on the open source operating system Linux Kernel so it has made an opportunity for individuals to customize Android to bring new innovative features for their stylish living.

Android has been the best-selling operating systems all over the world on smartphones since 2011 and on tablets since 2013. As of May 2017, it has over two billion monthly active users, the largest installed base of any operating system, and as of 2017, the Google Play store features over 3.5 million apps.

There is also a reason that Android devices sell at a lesser price that iOS devices which made it a big difference in availability to rural people in all over the world. 

There is a lot of interesting facts you can learn by visualizing our Infographic which features top 20 amazing facts (known and unknown facts) about android.

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