Steps To Take When You Receive An Auto Recall Notice

Receiving an auto recall notice through the mail can be alarming. Recall’s can range in complexity.  They can be something as simple as an incorrect label, or something as serious as a defective part that may lead to fires, crashes, and undoubtedly, serious injuries. A recall is issued when it has been determined that a vehicle, equipment, car seat, or tire creates an unreasonable safety risk failing to meet the minimum safety standards. It is important to read the notice in its entirety, to ensure that the recall doesn’t pose an immediate danger to the driver or other motorists on the road.

No matter the reason for a recall, car owners should make the time to get the recalls repaired. An outstanding auto recall can lead to a crash resulting in permanent or life-altering injuries. We have provided 5 steps to help guide car owners through the recall process stress-free.

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