This infographic was created in celebration of Fox's hip-hop drama series Empire. The show just completed its second season and rating were great. The show continues to deliver shocking moments that keep viewers at the edge of their seats. This infographic presents 10 of those moments from the show’s Season 2 finale episode, “Past Is Prologue.” From Jamal Lyon being alive to Lucious Lyon discovering secrets about his life, there is never a dull moment when it comes to Empire. Lee Daniels and Danny Strong have done an amazing job and it looks like the show will be around for a substantial period of time. How can we talk about Empire without discussing the show’s music? Jussie Smollett has evolved into a superstar. The most amazing thing is that he is able to use the songs associated with the show for his actual career an artist signed with Columbia Records. The same is true for Bryshere Y. Gray. Enjoy!
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