We all know that cleaning our house is very important - especially the theater room full of screens, cables, speakers, and other gadgets and gizmos covered with dust and dirt. But, before you start with cleaning and dusting good thing to know is how to do it properly, because if you're not doing it the right way, you can do even more damage to your precious equipment. In this infographic, you'll find some basic tips you need to consider when cleaning, like unplugging the devices before dusting them, using clean and dry cloth, not using abrasive or harsh cleaning materials and other things that are good to know as well as some other cool tips & tricks. If you do this regularly, it will take only half an hour each week, but it will make your time in theater room better since the screens and other electronic devices are going to be brighter, dust-free and ready to use.
Infographic Source: https://seatup.com/blog/how-to-clean-your-favorite-room-home-theater-cleaning-guide