Facebook's Growth in Numbers - GIF Infographic

When we think of Facebook we think of it as a great place to interact with our family and friends. What makes this social network so great is that all of your friends are here. This makes it easy to plan days and nights out. Millions of people use this website or app every single day. This social network has been popular ever since it was created in 2004. In its first year of business, Facebook made $400,000. 12 years later the company is making an incredible 21 billion dollars in revenue in 2016. The growth in users, revenue and employees has been somewhat incredible. Have a look at our our gif infographic from Nightlife Insight. It shows the impressive growth of the world's largest social network. The gif infographic also includes highlights from Facebook such as the purchase of Instagram in 2012, the purchase of WhatsApp in 2014 and even when the website went to IPO in 2012.

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